This Congress brought together experts in the field of Self-driving technology to enhance and accelerate the adoption of Self-Driving Technology globally and contribute to the realization of the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to make 25% of all trips in Dubai smart and driverless by 2030.
The congress covered all the key topics impacting the industry including:
Congress overview
Conference and exhibition attendees
International speakers
Expert sessions
Topics for discussion include:
Global keynote: getting people on board with autonomous
Presenting the Dubai autonomous transport strategy
Journey of success: learning from the pioneers
Autonomous vehicles in connected cities
Future trends and Dubai in 100 Years
Legislation enabling autonomous transport: global examples
Global case studies on successful trials and testbeds
Virtual reality in autonomous transport
Topics for discussion include:
Global Keynote: Getting People on Board with Autonomous
Presenting the Dubai Autonomous Transport Strategy
Journey of Success: Learning from the Pioneers
Autonomous Vehicles in Connected Cities
Future Trends and Dubai in 100 Years
Legislation Enabling Autonomous Transport: Global Examples
Global Case Studies on Successful Trials and Testbeds
Virtual Reality in Autonomous Transport